Today is Tuesday, the 11th of March of 2025,
March 11 is the 70th day of the year; 295 days remain until the end of the year.
9 days until spring begins
Spring Equinox will be a week from Thursday, Mar 20, 2025, 2:01 AM
The sun will rise in San Francisco at 7:25:50 am and sunset will be at 7:14:30 pm.
We will have 11 hours and 48 minutes of daylight
The solar transit will be at 1:20:10 pm.
Water temperature in Aquatic Park today is 54.1°F.
The first low tide was at 3:46 am at 2.2 feet
The first high tide will be at 9:27 am at 5.75 feet
The next low tide at 4:21 pm at -0.33 feet
and the final high tide at Ocean Beach tonight will be at 11:01 pm at 5.2 feet
It’s a Waxing Gibbous moon
We’ll have a Full Moon as well as a Total Lunar Eclipse in 2 days on Thursday the 13th of March of 2025 at 11:55 pm
On this day in Women’s Herstoy….
…in 2006 – Michelle Bachelet is inaugurated as the first female president of Chile.
Born on this day, March 11, 1903 (d.1989) – Dorothy Schiff, first female newspaper publisher in New York (tabloid New York Post), supported FDR, credited with Nelson Rockefeller’s victory as New York Governor, sold the Post for estimated $30 million to Rupert Murdock in 1976 who soon turned it into aggressive conservatism
March 11, 1904 (d.1984) – Hilde Bruch, escaped from Nazi Germany in 1933 to England and then America, her pioneer work made her the leading expert in eating disorders, especially anorexia nervosa
March 11, 1921 (d.1987) – Charlotte Friend, as a microbiologist in the 1950s at Sloan-Kettering Institute discovered a link between defective maturation and tumor growth in mice, discoveries that were critical in establishing the role of viruses in some cancers
Today is….
National "Eat Your Noodles" Day
National Organize Your Home Office Day
World Day of Muslim Culture, Peace, Dialogue and Film
Today is also….
Day of Restoration of Independence from the Soviet Union in 1990 (Lithuania)
If today is your birthday, Happy Birthday To You! You share your special day with….
1278 – Mary of Woodstock, daughter of Edward I of England (d. c. 1332)
1815 – Anna Bochkoltz, German operatic soprano, voice teacher and composer (d. 1879)
1893 – Wanda Gág, American author and illustrator (d. 1946)
1897 – Henry Cowell, American pianist and composer (d. 1965)
1903 – Lawrence Welk, American accordion player and bandleader (d. 1992)
1916 – Harold Wilson, English academic and politician, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (d. 1995)
1921 – Astor Piazzolla, Argentine tango composer and bandoneon player (d. 1992)
1923 – Louise Brough, American tennis player (d. 2014)
1925 – Margaret Oakley Dayhoff, American biochemist and academic (d. 1983)
1926 – Ralph Abernathy, American minister and activist (d. 1990)
1927 – Freda Meissner-Blau, Austrian activist and politician (d. 2015)
1931 – Rupert Murdoch, Australian-American businessman and media magnate
1932 – Leroy Jenkins, American violinist and composer (d. 2007)
1932 – Nigel Lawson, English journalist and politician, Chancellor of the Exchequer (d. 2023)
1934 – Sam Donaldson, American journalist[93]
1936 – Antonin Scalia, American lawyer and jurist, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States (d. 2016)
1946 – Mark Metcalf, American actor
1950 – Bobby McFerrin, American singer-songwriter, producer, and conductor
1951 – Dominique Sanda, French model and actress
1952 – Douglas Adams, English author and playwright (d. 2001)
1955 – Leslie Cliff, Canadian swimmer
1955 – Nina Hagen, German singer-songwriter
1956 – Helen Rollason, English sports journalist and sportscaster (d. 1999)
1957 – Qasem Soleimani, Former Iranian commander of the Quds Force (d. 2020)
1958 – Anissa Jones, American child actress (d. 1976)
1959 – Nina Hartley, American pornographic actress/director, sex educator, sex-positive feminist, and author
1965 – Jesse Jackson, Jr., American lawyer and politician
1968 – Lisa Loeb, American singer-songwriter
1969 – Soraya, Colombian-American singer-songwriter, guitarist, and producer (d. 2006)
1990 – Ayumi Morita, Japanese tennis player
1993 – Jodie Comer, English actress
….also on this day in history….
1708 – Queen Anne withholds Royal Assent from the Scottish Militia Bill, the last time a British monarch vetoes legislation.
1851 – The first performance of Rigoletto by Giuseppe Verdi takes place in Venice2020 – The World Health Organization (WHO) declares the COVID-19 virus epidemic a pandemic.
2021 – US President Joe Biden signs the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan into law